
Business trip to Vail

I had been at Vail in Denver on business for a week and was just back yesterday. 

It was valuable trip and also a lot of fun!


Heart full tomato

It is a tomato filled with love. 

How do you like it?


Nijuubashimae station

On the other side of Tokyo station, there is Nijuubashimae subway station. 

There is a large moat and a grove around there. 

Foreigners were coming and taking pictures. 


Tokyo station

I went to Tokyo station. 

I live in Tokyo but I rarely visit there. 

It was renewed several years ago and the  design is beautiful. 

The weather was also very good. 


Farewell beer party

My colleague transfers on business. 

We held a farewell "beer" party. 

Good luck !


Happy time

It is one of Lily's most favorite times. 

And mine, too. 


Remember to smile

Remember to smile everyday. 


Happy day

I was awarded by an academic society. 

I am happy as our team was rewarded for our long and hard work. 

Good for us!


Busy days

I had been so busy for months. 

The busy days started especially from last year and it continues every months. 

Yesterday I got over one big event and here I can write this blog. 

The busy days will start again from tomorrow, but anyway today is a day off!